When it comes to deciding on piano shells, you have options. With our mini or full shells, most guests never know that they are actually made to contain electric keyboards. Truth be told, this is not uncommon at all. Whether you are watching American Idol, or a Billy Joel concert, they almost always use electric keyboards inside a piano shell.

Shells allow for better control of the sound and give the performers many more options on how they can entertain. Even a well-trained ear won’t know the difference!

x-standsWe have a solution for any sized-venue. Our X-Stands are the least glamorous of our options, but perfect for small venues, or settings that don’t require the extra “shine.”

The X-Stand is a good choice if you need to cut back on cost. They are popular for many bars, as they take up the least amount of room.

Regardless of the stand you choose, the musical performance will remain awesome!

Mini-Shell-Close-UpOur mid-option (and most-popular) provides the look of a small baby-grand. This black wooden finish and rounded shape compliments any setting.

Most weddings we play at go with the Mini Shells. They look beautiful, and leave room to the dance floor (which is where we expect to see you!)

baby-blue-shellsReady to go all out? Introducing our “Baby Blues.” Don’t let the name fool you. These shells are large, durable, and yes… blue!

The Baby Blues are awesome. However, if you are going to need to cut costs somewhere, we generally recommend starting here, as there is a lot of visual attention to our “Dance On A Cloud” effect or the monogram light show with our Gobo Projector.



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